Monday, May 13, 2013

Many Months Later ♥

Whewww, it's been a longgg time since I've written a post on here! A LOT has happened. A little over a year ago, I decided to go away to college. I moved 92 miles away, and it was just me. No family and only 2 friends. I got a kitten (Kiko) who is now a little over a year old. & I must say, I'd be a different person without her. A year went by, I did GREAT my first 3 semesters (Summer '12, Fall '12, and just finished Spring '13). My first semester I finished with 3 B's, 1 A, and a GPA of 3.25. I didn't make the Deans List. But, this was my first time back in school after 2 years. My second semester I finished with all A's and a GPA of 4.0, and my third semester I did the exact same thing. I made the Dean's List twice! It feels really good. I was given the opportunity to obtain a 2 year degree absolutely free. Tuition, books, supplies, ect. Everything is taken care of. So I took the chance, and succeeded. Now, I moved closer to my family - still living on my own - and I love it. Even though I'm sad that I have to transfer schools in the Fall, I wouldn't trade being home for anything in the world. Summer '13 will be my last semester at Augusta Technical College.

Sooo, outside of school.. I have gained weight. & There is no excuse for it. But there are reasons. Being extremely lonely and sad all the time did attribute to my weight gain. I did go to the gym, but not as often as I should have. I stopped eating out for a little bit, but started up again shortly after. I worked out at home, and then I stopped for no reason. I missed my family, and I had no clue how to deal with it. Every day I woke up, I was by myself. I went to school for a few hours, but that was it. I didn't have any friends to go out with on the weekends, and I am always afraid to do things by myself. So I was stuck in the house all the time, pretty much miserable. I would try to keep myself busy by doing homework and studying, but it just didn't help. So now that I am finally happy and content again, I know it is time to give this thing another try.

If I continue to sit on my butt and eat unhealthy, of course I will continue to gain weight. But if I get up and move, and start watching what I eat & having smaller portions, of course I will lose weight. It is very simple. I am not the kind of girl who can eat lettuce and be happy. I have to treat myself here and there, and I know how to do that without going over board. Once I get control of my eating, it is not a problem. My problem is getting up and excersing. But it's crazy because I love excersing. I love dancing, walking, boxing, ect. If it's fun, I love it. All I need to do is give myself that push and keep going again.

In my life, right now, all I have to really focus on is school. So this is the perfect time to get my life and goals on track. I am home, I am very close to my family (literally 4-5 miles), I am close to my friends, I have a gym, DVDs, a pool.. I have everything I need to do this the right way. It is time to do this. It is time to get this right.

I don't have a goal weight. I hate the scale. I gain muscle, lose fat. But the number on the scale either stays the same or goes up. I like taking measurements. If I see a loss, I know I'm doing something right. So my goal is to be happy with the body I am.

I have to treat my body right because it is mine. No one else can do this for me.