Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One year later. ♥

Hey! So, as you can probably guess, a lot has happened within the last year.

I graduated college.
Yep! I graduated with my Associates Degree in Accounting on May 6th. It has been a long and stressful two years but it was well worth it. When I arrived at graduation, I also learned that I was graduating as an honor student. I had earned a 4.0 GPA which is amazing! I was so excited to get home and add that to my resume. I am currently working my part-time job at Lowe's while focusing on finding a full-time job. The hardest part about being a recent graduate is not knowing what's next. I went from going to school everyday for two years straight to not doing anything but working a "dead end" job. I am trying to stay positive as much as possible, but sometimes it is really hard. I know it's only been a week, so I am giving myself the benefit of the doubt.
While I was living in Augusta two years ago, I was working out (kinda) often while going to school. I wasn't eating very healthy, but I was doing far better than I am now. I find myself emotionally eating and not working out at all. It has really taken it's toll on my body because I have gained 37 pounds. Yes, you read that right. 37 POUNDS! I beat myself up about it all the time (which is pointless because I haven't done anything to change it). I am at the highest weight I have ever been... 206.2 pounds! I look back on pictures of me weighing 169 pounds and I wish I looked like that again... Which is funny because when I did weigh 169, I wished I was 145 like I was back in high school. But I have finally accepted the fact that I will always battle my weight. If I continue to feed my body unhealthy foods, I will continue to gain weight. It's simple. I will then reach my next "highest weight." If I continue to NOT work out, I will continue to GAIN weight. I have proved to myself in many different ways throughout my life that I am capable for working hard and fighting for the things I want. I am 21 years old, I have my own apartment, I own my car, I'm working, I have a college degree, etc. These things take a lot of hard work to obtain. So why can't I work hard to get the body I want and deserve? There's an easy answer for that. I CAN!! For years, I have constantly doubted myself. I have talked myself out of workouts, I have talked myself out of healthy meals, I have convinced myself to "start tomorrow" or "start Monday." But tomorrow and Monday never come.
Change your lifestyle
and it will change your life.
This is a quote I keep in the back of my head every day. It is soo true. You're life will not change unless you, yourself, make the changes. Lately I have thought to myself, if I continue eating this way, I will be in an even more unhealthy place a year from now. I can possibly gain another 37+ pounds, then I will be even worse off. But if I start today, and make these changes, I can be a completely different person 365 days from now. Changing your life is a process, and nobody ever said it would be easy. But if I take the easy way out, and not work hard for what I want, I will be even more unhappy months down the road. It's very important that I learn to be my own motivator. In the back of my mind, I'm always discouraging myself. This is why I have been unsuccessful at reaching the goals I've made for myself. I have to encourage myself to work hard, to exercise every day, to eat right... Because if I don't, who will. Change comes from WITHIN.

My best advice to myself and others who are just started out (or those who have gone through this before and are trying to start again) is to start small. I have made a list of 3 goals I want to accomplish within the next 7 days. I want/need (lol) a pedicure and I want a new outfit, but I am going to make myself work hard for these rewards. When I think about losing a large amount of weight, it scares me. So I am removing the thought of a number out of my head. I will focus on small changes because small changes will lead to big results. I deserve this because I deserve to be happy! AND SO DO YOU!! :)

- Drink more water (no soda/tea/koolaid)
- Eat healthier
- No eating out
- Exercise more