Monday, February 20, 2012

My New Beginning.

I've been having a rough time these past two weeks. Some hidden emotions have started bothering me again, & I've finally hit my breaking point. Sooo many people - including myself - go through things & try to hold it in... Not knowing that we are really hurting ourselves. I won't go in to detail, but some very painful things happened to me when I was 14-15. I am now 19 years old. I never took the time to deal with my issues, so they've been buried deep inside for a very long time. A few nights ago I had a 3-4 nightmares, but they were all involving the same person. After this happened, I knew it was time to deal with it. So I decided to seek professional help. Tomorrow is my first "meeting", so I'm now referring to tomorrow as "the 1st day to my new beginning." Holding on to the past will hold you back from ALOT of things. Not being able to sleep at night has caused me to lose the focus & motivation I once had to lose weight & eat properly. Some people may view that as an excuse, but until you've been in my shoes - don't judge me. I know a lot about excuses, & what I'm going through right now is FAR from an excuse. I am ready to change my life for the better. So tomorrow morning I will wake up. I will eat a healthy breakfast. & I will work out. I will hold nothing back in therapy. & I will do my BEST to make sure tomorrow is better than today.

without struggle, there is no progress.

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