Friday, January 20, 2012

Ready - Set - Go!

I ran...
in the pooring rain.

You read that, didn't you? Yep, I ran. For 9 minutes and 30 seconds w/o stopping.

what a victory!

Why, might you ask? Welllllll, I've never ran that long without taking a break AND I've never ran in the rain. I started couch to 5k last week, but I felt like it was taking too long... I know, I know... sooo impatient. So today I told myself to just go outside and run. Run until my body tells me to stop. So that's what I did. Hill after hill - I ran. After I finished, I sat outside - listened to my music - and cried. I am so proud of myself. I'm doing things I would've never pictured myself doing before. I admit 9mins & 30secs isn't THAT long, but it felt so damn good.

I am learning to enjoy life. As I ran, I thought about the people who have had so many little things (that we take for granted) taken away from them. One day they can walk, the next day they can't. One day they can see, the next day they can't. Life - for me - isn't about how much money I have, or the materialistic things. Life - for me - is about learning to love myself, and loving others around me. That is what's important.

Today, I ran.

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