Sunday, January 8, 2012

My First Post ♥

Well, this is my very first post. I've been working hard on this blog for days now, and I think I'm pretty much finished. I will add some extra pictures (& pages) later on.

Since it's so late, I figured I would go ahead and share a piece from a note I wrote myself a few weeks ago...
  • "Soon or later I'm going to have to get over these things. What's done is done, and my past is in the past for a reason. If I don't make the necessary changes now, I will be stuck like this forever. Unhappy and unhealthy. I will be in my 40's (keep in mind I'm ONLY 19) trying to lose weight, and wondering why I never did it while I was younger. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to go through life wondering why I never accomplished the goals I had set for myself. How can I look back and say "I never lost weight because I was lazy," or "I never lost weight because I loved food too much." I can't keep doing this to myself. I refuse to keep doing this to myself."
I guess my reason for sharing this is because EVERYBODY deserves to be happy and healthy. No matter what age you are. Every day when you wake up - and every night before you go to sleep - tell yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT.

...and always remember:
  • loving yourself means honoring yourself and your own feelings first.


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